
Forex Trading Plugins 
A variety of tailor-made forex trading tools and plugins are provided to fit every broker’s highly customized demand for their unique trading model. We help our brokers to get ahead of the market by extending standard trading platform features.
Provide Useful Plugins
Managed Account
Managed Account allows money managers to trade from a master terminal and automatically distribute profits and losses proportionally among all investors. With Managed Account, investors are able to earn without trading on their own and money managers get to receive performance fee through efficient management of investors’ funds.
Social Trading Solution
Organize a social trading system within your MT server that will allow to copy trades from the top trader to another based on subscriptions. It is a perfect solution for brokers to speed up conversion of regular visitors into real clients and increase deposit volumes and trading turnover.
Trade Copier Plugin
Trade Copier plugin allows investors to get profit by copying the orders of experienced traders. The capabilities of the configuration of the plugin are huge, and plugin settings allow the broker to set various coping modes: based on group, volume, margin, coping with multiplicator and also support reversed copying.